Saturday, September 25, 2021

Quantum Quandary

 Marc and I have been embroiled in SUPER-Heated Discussions that SOUNDED like a combo of Lion versus Tiger ROARS and Dragon Heaven-and-Earth-Splitting THUNDER.   Technically >>  You are NOT suppose-ta Fuck with another Man's Art.  I'm gonna GIVE him THAT -----------But I MUST Consider MYYY Art to be JUST AS Considerable and The Art of Writing imposes the STRICTEST of Academic Impositions not only upon sentence structure but upon rhetorical Delivery.  `Shit` MUST-BE Readable---there MUST be a Harmonic Aesthetic that ensures Reader Resonance with the Written Word:  but Here there exists a "What-it-is-in-Realty" that opposes a "What-it-REALLY-Means".  I mean it SHOULDN'T but it DOES.

Shit--------------what am I gonna do about that ?   What am I SUPPOSE-TA do about it ?

1 comment:

  1. DSS didn’t say supposed to just do it, DSS said just do it, is it like this or just like this,mouse eats from the cats bowl, was it an egg on top of rice, bib in bop, all our fathers are dead now, so just eat
