Sunday, September 12, 2021

Chronos, the Hound of Space

 Marc fucked me.  

He arrived for his vacation a week BEFORE what he had given me.  The Sacred Space of the Four Noble Truths still unfinished and horribly unkempt.  I was Ashamed.     I had such GLOWING Plans.  

He came, like the Magi he is, bearing Gifts  >> a Cornucopia of Pharmaceuticals <<  I stared at his Bag Apothecary ---  I stared as if Stupid.  There was something...    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ... something.

We sat.   Marc spoke of Things, Energy and Being ---ever the Talker--- .  As usual half of what he spoke was confounding-ly incomprehensible.  Most often it takes me MONTHS to assimilate his words, weeks longer to arrive at Meaning.  

Marc "ain't from around Here".  Inter-Dimension Travel has skewed his ability to speak the English.  I mean that in this way >> he speaks using English Words, but he piggy-backs English with Ancient Sword and Sorcery Aggravation that implies Quantum Mechanical Origin.  At BEST, `it's` Frustrating.  At Worst it's Spiritually Sonorous but not in Sonorous's GOOD Way.  It's more like an inexorable drone of estoericisms much of which only Marc can claim as "Reality".  

I try to Listen.  I `end up` slapping his Offerings as if they were so many mosquitoes.  He continues nonplussed.  He Believes.  As my attention lags I begin to hear him as Vonnegut's "The Hound of Space" barking, barking barking.  

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