Thursday, September 30, 2021

Man of La Mantra

 Disabling the Thinking Mechanism also removes the various 'filters' of Consciousness, the filters through which Sensory Input is categorized.  These filters (along with Consciousness itself) prevents the IMMEDIATE and INSTANTANEOUS Experience of Reality AS IT TRULY IS.  Thinking is Mind MOVEMENT, while Not Thinking is Mind STILLNESS.  This is what you want, to be Still.  Is it not written "Stillness is Bliss" ?  Indeed Yes.

Above and Beyond All Else Stillness affords REST.  When Stillness is achieved the Mind is at REST.

There is SUBSTANCE to this Rest, which MAY confound this, (for lack of anything Better), Appreciation.  Zen Master's Agree, "When Stillness is achieved 'Wisdom Surfaces' ".  I NEED you to try and understand that Wisdom is a Form of   >> Energy << , it is Transcendent Energy and is referred to and Spoken of as 'Transcendent Wisdom' and you will encounter this THIS as "Prajna".   One of the BEST 'Things About Prajna' is that it can be accessed through Mantra and Chant.  How great is that ?

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