Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Yaknow Kidz, I wouldn't even BE here, rite-ing this shit,  had it not been for Marc's cell-phone call.  I'd texted him to make certain he read my Blogs' Offerings of the Other Day, and I `told` him HOW to respond, with a simple "OK".  Instead, I got this:  "Don't talk, I've got to monologue you".  He then proceeded into a diatribe Rage hat bordered on hallucinogenic Hysteria and NOT 'the good kind' neither.

Marc "aint from around here".  He dwells among the Celestial Immortals as ONE OF THEM.  Marc speaks in Celestial Dialect, the one where suppositions and "Taken for granted" exist in Sentence Structure where Subject and Predicate are sometimes LIGHTYEARS distant.  Here too, Celestial Dialect, which I have 'dumbed-down' to "Cloud-Speak",, uses Volitional Intent to charge and SUPER-charge words and phrases with Ideational Reductivity, that's the One of Telepathic Pronouncements.  In the same way that Chinese Idiograms carry pronunciation AND Imaginational Images to convey TOTALITY of Meaning, so it is with Cloud-Speak. 

I Confess-----------Most of the Time I am  CLUELESS when Marc delivers Celestial Dharma.  So it was with yesterday's One-Sided Telephuck.  

1 comment:

  1. My late great martial brother John used to say when we were fighting in the temple and one or the other of us grunted or farted your so strong so pick that up ,,, get it ,, before it gets you
