Friday, September 24, 2021

The Tao of Drugs

 Marc's Enlightenment Experience resulted in new 2-Sword Forms AND the "Perceive Sound-Perceive Light" Mental-Spiritual Attributions.  When Marc presented this THIS to Zen Master Seung Sahn Marc was 'Given' Enlightenment Affirmation recognized by his Elevation to 8th Dan (Star) Status and the Kwan Um Do Kwang  Appellation.  This 'Thing' was IZZ a BFD.  Marc's Attainment is PROOF that following the Path of Sword that combines Motion Meditation with SEATED Meditation results in (an) Enlightenment.  What Differentiates KUDK from other Enlightenment is Marc's adherence to the Physics of Ancient Mexican Sorcery, described by Carlos Castaneda in his 7 volume exploration of the Teachings of Don Juan.  Some of you may recall the Attention given to Castaneda's Work by 70's Hippies intent upon Value-ating Drug Experiences as RELEVANT Psychological Undertakings.  Dr. Timothy Leary tried to MainLine LSD usage in order to E-x--p---a----n-----d the Minds of the American Conscious Collective.  When Carlos `hit the scene` the 'It' of Drug `Re-Orientation` was already in place.   I'm no Hippie but I DID adhere to the Physics of Drug Induced Revelatory Experiences.  However, my Studies of TAOIST Alchemy proved to be my Intellectual Stanchion, plus I was reading the Works of Dr. Carl Jung with RAVENOUS appetite.  So---I mean---there's THAT.

1 comment:

  1. When sitting in a cauldron of herbs , the green dragon school of Taoism oh ya they say the complete reality school.When the assemblage point shifts to another position it require deep abiding sobriety to handle complete reality , induction through power plants or what DSS called special medicine is for the weak of heart or those who are hopelessly attatched to wanting, checking , holding, and making this particular social order their complete reality, universal energy is ultimately unknowable so suspending judgment is the first prerequisite for navigating in the unknown.I guess I can now double down on sober awareness as the correct direction appears under the path light ,,, did I get it or did it get me, what happens when there is no I or me or ever was, same as it ever was , same as it ever was, been there? Been that? Is being being ?
