Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Kill Bill"

 Way Back in Before, I had wanted to kill Marc.  His [mis-identified as] Elitist Arrogance, the result of his Self-Delusion, had been used to reduce me to Servant/Slave.  He wanted me to 'flesh-out' a skeleton of ideas he thought were Cosmic Being.  Reading the skeleton was a swim in an open cesspool.   Sentences were constructed as if NO Rules of Engagement even EXISTED.  It was as if Marc considered himself ABOVE the Laws of Grammar.  Frustration led to Exasperation.  Marc INSISTED his work was Viable, all I had to do was make it readable.  No way.  It was a clusterfuck of Esoteric Gibberish and I told him so.

We `got into it`.

After a month of BITTER Religious Animosity, I told him to go fuck himself.

It ended with  "I'll see you in 500 Liftetimes" the Buddhist Way of saying "You're a fucking ASSHOLE and I want nothing further to do with you."

Hello Cataclysm.

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