Monday, September 20, 2021


 You want to believe, check that,  I wanted to believe, that the Study of Martial Arts 'leads-to' Enlightenment.  I mean, it does----------sorta.  But, as I sat, I detected a strangeness to that Assumption. It MITE be true, but to only a Few.  It didn't 'SIT' well.  I put it aside and looked at the 'Light'.  The Light OBVIOUSLY was NOT 'Material' in ANY > way, shape,, or form.  It HAD-TO be recognized as INNER Light, which then posed the Question, What is the true nature of this Inner Light ?  I reasoned, like So Many Others, that this Inner Light was NOT a Feature delivered by External Socialization, but that, like Buddha Nature, we are BORN with said Light.  I mean, shit, I don't like that either, but given the Context, it's just EASIER to allow it to be part of the Human Identity.  Buddhist Dogma ascribes the Existence of Buddha Nature to the Human Condition.  I have GREAT FAITH that this THIS is Accurate beyond all measure and scope.       I Believe.

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