Wednesday, September 22, 2021

"Let's Make A Steal"'s the Deal.  In order to secure Comprehension Viability > It APPEARS that I must introduce Some-of-Myy-Own Shit.  Comprehension relies upon a  LOGICAL  Sequence in Delivery, meaning, individual Phrases, Concepts and Imaginings MUST be presented in an ORDERLY (Rational) Fashion.  Now on MY end I want to use Authorial Intrusion as ENHANCEMENT to 'flesh out' Marc's Zen Bones.  You could hear his SCREAM of Agony for 500 miles.  Cloud-Speak IS diminished when it comes to Earth.  Translators sometimes falter under the Stress.  I'm no exception.  Still-- 'Readability' MUST be a Generative FOCUS if Comprehension is to be Approached.  Speaking French to a tiny-tot who can barely understand `the English` does NOT Serve True Communication.  Using Cloud-Speak explain and translate Cloud-Speak serves NO ONES' interests.  

So -----------------in order to define First Nature as Ego-Ridden Conscious-Ness, the One that is 'tuned' to Earthly Energies, and is subject to Planetary Karma,, I was Forced to present The Planet Earth as having the Whole of Human Conscious-Nesses as ITS Conscious-Ness, that of the Earth Mother and Her Twin Mother Nature.

So far no good.

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