Friday, September 24, 2021


 Did you get that ?  InfluENCa  .  That's a perversion of InfluENZa.  How great is that ?   How great am I?  I just love myself so much >>>>>  SOOOOOOO Much.

Whenever I arrive at this Junction I wonder if a lateral drift into the Realm of Drug Induced Revelatory Experiences deserves Scholarly Examination.   Thank Goodness Dr. William James took the time to describe a One Such with general alacrity.  I've `done time` with many several One Suches and have NEVER been disappointed, even when 'Nothingness' has been entered.  Marc has described this Realm as the "Inner Sanctum" --- the one of Near Comatose-Ocity, the one of Physical Paralysis but Mental Freedom.  Buddhist Dogmaticians refer to this Realm as 270.  Normal Physics does NOT exist in this Realm.  Instead Dream-like Activity is experienced as a Reality-- the only difference being the Presence of Other Dimensional Others.  Here, the Quantum Membrane that separates Normal Reality from Multi-Dimensional Realities allows Permeation.  I must confess.  The Experience of Other Dimensional Realities has been excruciatingly THRILLING for me.   How great is it to Dwell in a Realty where FLIGHT is as simple as BREATHING ????            I'm just sayin'...................

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