Wednesday, September 22, 2021


I'm at a point where I want to make my present living by 'stealing Marc blind' in frontal FULL View.  I know rite ?   I know what you Gize are thinking, "Sabom, you asshole, didn't Master Fortin SAVE YOUR SWORD Life ?  Hasn't he given you Solace and Sanctuary, hasn't he GIVEN you THOUSANDS of Dollars in Rock Rigging Equipment and GEAR ?  And what about all those pharmaceuticals >> hasn't he DEVOTED himself to YOUR Health, Well Being and Literary Immortality ? "  .    Well Shit---when you put it THAT way ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

One Word :  Sibling Rivalry.  Marc 'brings out' the Best and the WORST in me.  With regard to 'his' Book--I know EXACTLY what he wants.  Not only do I possess Capacity but Ability as well.  I KNOW that THAT 'goes up his ass' with singular Excruciation---sadly---MUCH to my GREAT Delight. 

There is an Axiomatic Adage in which I revel  =   "The Pen is MIGHTIER than the Sword".

Because I think Bad Things does that make me a Bad Person  Two Words ::   I   Don't   Care.



  1. I didn’t do anything of the sort, the mind sword cuts trough wind driven clouds on its own , the unmoving mind is a witness to both the magic and the mystery can’t make a me , for you or me , don’t you love to say you are not the boss of me , who is the boss who is the me ,,, what is the seat assignment , oh swordsmen knowledge cannot even pick up the blade, so swordsman just do your duty, do make like or dislike, does the lawn complain when you cut it?DSS spoke where the blade of grass touch’s the pine needle,, that is the tip of your swords point , you don’t half to get it it has already penetrated your heart, mind
