Monday, September 20, 2021


 I prahbubly would have been a member of Future Fuck-uPs of America had that been offered as registered Group to co-exist beside Future Teachers of America.  Some of us did NOT know what Life had intended for us, and we existed in Ocean of Don't Know, where we struggled with one Karmic Storm after another, this, while Others dwelt upon the Land of the Knowing, content with the Knowledge of Forseeable Outcome, the one where Life-Path somehow 'came-with' Direct Access to Occupation Finality.  We know these Chosen.  Suffering for THEM is Something BEYOND "Over there".  Safety and Security is their Cozmic Lot, deservedly so, for the most part, having existed for several Eternities with Bodhisattva-like Resolve and Intuition.  Trust me here, they BLESS the Planet.

But for us, seemingly Savage Outgoers, Life delivered a Ruthless Succession of Agonizing Impossibilities, Karmic Cruelty of Untold and Untellable Abominations, Each with Beauty AND most HIDEOUS Atrocity, directed toward Soul best Icon-ed as Prometheus crucified on Mount Caucasus Rock, his liver being shredded by the incessant pecking of a starving Vulture.  Yup        that.

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