Saturday, September 25, 2021

"...they got earphone heads..."


I awoke into the first word of the 1st sentence of this morning's Session.  I turned to see the clock >>> 2.  Phuck.  I got up to relieve myself and when I returned I was in Full Conscious-Ness.  I shifted to my side for a few seconds, then got prone--------------nothin'.  The Universe was calling, calling,, calling.

Yesterday was a HUGE Day.  Storage Problems were answered by a delivery of Items I had "Sent Out" for in Earnest Desire----it was the RAW Desire of Lust sans ANY Humility WHATSOEVER.  I've been figurin' that because I'm in my 70th Year, that, I shouldn't haf-ta wait for Material Items that I can afford WITHOUT Shame or Guilt.   Still --------------------it's SOOOOOOO much BETTER if the Universe supplies these items in a form of Blessing-  A Cozmic Blessing that assures me I'm on the RIGHT (Write) Path, my Orientation is Correct and the Trajectory is True.  

I told myself I NEEDED new Head-Phones and I was-gonna get them whatever the Cost.  On a road nearby Some Folks had laid out items with the sign "FREE".  In their garage I spied Headphones.  You giving up these headphones ? "Yes".  I was shaking in Disbelief.  These were Kenwood's KH-51's --- despite their Ancient Design they LOOKED Brand New.  I tested them >> BRAND FUCKING NEW.

Oh my oh my oh my.

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