Monday, September 20, 2021


        I got onto Twitter but the cursor didn't appear.  It happens sometimes.  I figured the Universe had other Plans for this morning's Early Effort.  I was working on exploring the true nature of the "Light" in Master Fortin's "Perceive the Light that Illuminates the Path".  What is the Nature of this Light, exactly HOW does it Illuminate the Path, and What is this "Path" anyway ?".   Residing in the Emptiness of "Don't Know" ALWAYS permits access to the Realm of Answers.  That THAT isn't as helpful as it appears.  Answers abound.  They suffuse Reality like the microwaves of cell phones, TV and Radio Broadcasts and the like.  The Deal is to `hook-up` the Answers to the Questions.  Any Scientist will tell you.  When you ask the wrong Questions, the Answers to these 'questionable' Questions may simply create a realm of Confusion.  Worse, the Answers may NOT supply either Meaning nor Context, which both sucks AND blows.  This `sucks` and `blows` is  mental turbulence.  It's an Environmentality that obscures the Absolute by BEING the Absolute.  There's nothing to do except to "ride it out".

1 comment:

  1. Stop looking at the light , start seeing , the correct direct that it shines on is what is revealed moment to moment,,stop counting letters and write , mr writer just do your plucking job, stop being a chicken on the farm and for gods sake kicking the farmer in the ankle won’t get you off the plate,,,I guess I will send you money to enhance your suffering ,,,and yet though both witless and a dick you are neither of these things, for you neither exist nor do you not exist,,,, please don’t get me started when I pick up the second sword it like fighting. One armed man or is it just fighting with one arm tied behind your back lol
