Saturday, September 25, 2021

Opi Dumb

 Recently I've been harassed by a New Voice that sterns, "Ya got some Plan do ya?"  It's an ancient Senex of Unknown Origin.  I have yet to respond, check that, I have been UNABLE to respond.  Yeah I got a Plan and NO THERE AINT NO FUCKING PLAN.     The fucking Plan is   OBVIOUS   by being COMPLETELY OBSCURE.  I don't question this Obscurity because I want to Believe THAT'S how the Universe 'Works'.  All Knowledge by way of "Don't Know".  With respect to KUDK the Truth is RIDDLED by Truth.      Here's the Riddle :          Where is Sword in KUDK ?  

It gets worse.  How does Perceiving Sound and Perceiving Light produce Sword Mastery and its Experience of Enlightenment ?  What is the DIRECT Effect of Sound and Light ??  

The Deal is this :  Just DOING Sword IS the Experience of Enlightenment ---- so to with JUST SITTING.  How great would it be if Marc accepted THAT !!!  

Wishful Thinking calls for Opium Deliberations.   

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