Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Stephen's Latter


I did some tree work yesterday, it was tree work of the worst sort, the sort where you gotta use an extension ladder.  Trust me, I did all I could from the ground using the pole-saw extensions one is best, two is good,, but three means 18 feet.   Your entire body must be cabled-in in order to wield the length with ANY dexterity.  

The Maple had bi-furcated --  --  growing with 2 tops-----------they had to go because of leaf production, too much shade on a really old Conifer that looks the world to be a variety of Cypress.  I'm no good at Identification, despite my work with a tree surgeon.  

I was-doin' tree world to escape the Realm of Desk Devotion.  I mean shit ~~~~~~~~~~~that work wasn't goin' anywhere ------but--------I was stuck on a Simplistic from which I couldn't budge.  Sorta like not having any gas to fire an engine and keep it runnin'.  

It was tree work or `just sittin' ` ,  like,,  for hours.  You can see it wasn't REALLY a choice at all.

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