Sunday, September 26, 2021

Temper Meant


I returned to the 'Scene of the Crime', plopped into Chairy-Chair and tried to Settle,, the Writing Table littered with page after Page on notes and references,,, signaling a Venture into Clusterfuck Chaos.  It was SOOOOO Bad I covered the Entirety with one of my favorite Blue Sheets.  The Effect was Pro-Found---.

The Thought Wall had been erased.  I stared anyway    (                     )      .  

While staring into Emptiness I  >Real-Eyes-d<  that there was no Sword in KUDK because there COULDN'T BE.

According to THIS Temper-Meant The Perception of Sound and Light DID NOT APPLY to Sword.  If it DIDN'T 'Apply' to Sword, to what DID it Apply ?

I waited in the Wisdom Stillness of "Don't Know".

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