Sunday, September 12, 2021

Third Eye Kind

 I always thought I had to leave behind a Testament that included my ALL.  However, I NEVER   really Believed I would `get to it`.  I figured that my Journals would languish in someone else's While and then be carelessly discarded in a surge of Whole-house Purge. now there is this ravishing Opportunity to deadpan this ALL together with Master Fortin's.  My Life's Work has been to De-Riddle Cosmic Kong-ans and Grasp the True Nature of Existence expressed as Enlightenment.  Here it is whereby I regard my Efforts as MY Contribution to the Advancement of Civilization, the one where Sword has given me the Energy to express the Personal as COSMIC Identity, the one where Hermann Hesse evolves as Martial Artist and ALL Arts Sage and thereby encourages Others to deepen their Spirituality and as a Result, Mitigate and Manage Misery.

That's it for now.

Rock Steady..........Steady as She goes....


  1. Son good son provides no answers, what it does provide is better questions as on moves deeper and deeper into the abstract, like are the mysteries of the known the same or different in the unknown, who is it that knows, is reality even knowable, how come one knows less as they know more? When the awareness in vivid dreams aligns to the same perceptions as the awareness in the daily dream is this reality? When the double is a singularity , is this reality or just the Zen Masters attributes of great sadness great loneliness,Gone gone gone beyond gone beyond beyond, hail the goer KUDK
