Wednesday, September 29, 2021

"There's GOLD in them-there ILLS"

 I'm just BEGINNING to understand the True Nature of this Under and Over Taking.  After my Guy and HERO Robert Pirsig got his Enlightenment and Wrote Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance he had an "aftershock" of Realization.  He wasn't finished.  It WASN'T "Enough" to describe the Art and to PROCLAIM a brand New Metaphysics, no and FUCK NO---- he had to go BACK and delineate its Form, Structure and Physics which resulted in the [Closure] Volume  Lila.  So it is and thus will it be with Marc's Enlightenment.  Oddly, if not fabricationally WEIRD-LY, this THIS has True Zen Authenticity.  After Zen Master Seung Sahn got his ORIGINAL Enlightenment his Master presented a Question that SHOULD have been easily answerable had Seung Sahn been adept at what I will tag `Zen Speak` which is a Form of Dharma Communication most often RESERVED for [to] the Zen 'Upper Echelon'.  Seung Sahn had NO RECOURSE save to do ANOTHER 100 Day Retreat.  I know rite ?   You gotta be fucking kidding me.  At its Completion Seung Sahn emerged FULLY Enlightentened.  The Question was re-asked and Seung Sahn's Answer is now Zen Classic    "Out of the tree a crow  CAW CAW CAW".                   His Master was ELATED evidenced by his tears of Joy.  He said,  "You are the Flower, I am the Bee."

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