Thursday, September 30, 2021

Meditation Mediation

 There's Walking Meditation, Lying-down Meditation, Motion Meditation and Seated Meditation of course.  Positioning IS important but NOT Paramount to a successful Session.  What IS Important is that the Thinking Mechanism is Disabled.  Our Consciousness uses the Thinking Mechanism as our Body USES Breathing, indeed, Thinking is the Mind's Breathing as I have stipulated Elsewhere.  Here, Thinking is NATURAL, it is the Natural Activity of the Conscious Mind -- and surely, Human Kind has been Dependent upon Thinking to perform Person-to-Person Communication as well as Problem Solving that first requires Recognition, then Identification.  Thinking is the Mechanism of "Oh yeah, its THAT".  We are said to "Turn our mind toward" a something--which translates to "turn our Attention toward" a Something in order to correctly perceive that Something's primary and secondary characteristics.  This superficiality is, for the most part, all we need to ascertain the "whole".  However, Thinking has only a small probability of penetrating to an object's Essence.  This is where Meditation enters.  "Turning" one's Attention is the object phrase of "FOCUS".  The initial Struggle of Beginners is to summon internal Focus.  This THIS is why instructors take the Simple route and advise, "Just count your breaths."  It's a GOOD first step.

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