Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Lock Ness

 I believe there to be an `Outer Conscious-Ness`, the so-called Normal Conscious of Day-to-Day Actuality that is susceptible, check that, a Conscious-Ness that is subject to Existence Sustainability, that's the One of Work, and Procreation, the one of Material Sensation, the Physical EARTHLY Realm of "I am".  To be born onto this World with Human Form BINDS us to the Shared Commonality of Existence, which I, as a Zen Buddhist, meet as An Existence that Entails Suffering.  Here it is where each and every one of us, is Af-Fected and E-Fected, by the Laws of Karma, which, in Buddhist Quantum Theory, GOVERNS the Totality of UNIVERSAL Existence. ["All things THROUGH Karma"].  This Outer Conscious-Ness is the Contra of the Inner Conscious-Ness, the One of Dr. Jung's "Collective Un-Conscious" the one of PLANETARY Conscience.  Here, the UNIVERSAL Conscious-Ness is made Manifest in INDIVIDUAL Psyche, which is that of PLANETARY Refinement.  Global Myths of seemingly Identical Profile DEFINE the Human Science of Imaginational Reality.  

The PRIMARY Characteristic of this Outer Conscious-Ness is the Mechanism of Thinking, the That which generates Thoughts.

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