Thursday, September 30, 2021

Chalk-Dust Clouds

 Disabling the Thinking Mechanism (or Machine) is as EZ and as Difficult as as it can be.  You gotta laugh when folks advise, "Don't Think about Thinking".  I was at an AA Meeting and Sum Genius confessed, "...but know what happened ?,,  I started to Think about Not Thinking"  ~~~ the room of us drunks burst into Full-Bellied Laughter.  Yup---that was IT rite there ~~~ Thinking About Not Thinking.   Perfect.

Zen Masters use various Tropes to describe Aspects of Mechanical Disruption.  One such is to Perceive Mind as a Sky and Thoughts as Clouds.  An-Other is to perceive Mind as a chalk board upon which Thoughts are scribbled, scrawled, or scribe-d.  Personally I never had any success with these, I am a Day Dreamer by Nature, perceiving Mind as Sky sends me into Fantasy Realm, as far as the chalk board goes--When my Thoughts appear and I'm SUPPOSE-TA erase them, I find myself EXAMINING these Thoughts thereby EXACERBATING the Thinking Condition.  So far------------no good.  HOWEVER, either one MAY `work` for YOU.  You won't know until you Try.

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