Monday, April 29, 2024

"The Problem IS the Solution "

                              At some point Gaza and the West Bank MUST-BE united, in a same-territory manner, otherwise there would be a THREE State solution .   The West Bank contains within its borders the so-called "Eastern Aquifer" to which a Water Industry must-be created and maintained .   OBVIOUSLY, arable  land  is  at  a  PREMIUM  and  along  THAT  order  an   AGRICULTURE   Industry  is  also DEMANDED .   

               Since Gaza is a coastal Territory, all Israeli Sanctions against Palestinian Fishing MUST-BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY .   Plans MUST-BE developed to Secure a Palestinian Fishing Industry that it may FEED its Population .   Here now the ABJECT NECESSITY for a Portside* Industry, an Import/Export  [Receiving and Shipping]  `Hub`  from  which  Palestine  Receives  and  Distributes its Staples . 

                All the War Debris from AMERICAN bombs and Ordinance should be trucked to the coast and used to foundation the Port of Rafah, in the same way that the Japanese moved a mountain, LITERALLY, to the sea to build airports and the like .

                Recall this Beauty :  "The Problem IS the solution."

The Paradigm for Palestine

                              Look at Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and most importantly, the E.U .    America's one-time Enemies benefit from American Hegemony, a one of {Democratic} Capitalism gone the way of "Sphere of Influence" .   Indo and Micro Nesia and even the Philippines were [also] richly endowed with American Succor .   Should they be the Paradigm for Palestine ?   If so, what is to be done with Arabic-Speaking Nations since it is Arabic that is spoken by Gazans and West Bankers ?


"If you break it, you OWN it."

                             Who is to rebuild Gaza ?   You gotta figure that all Arab-Speaking Nations would contribute but what of Israel and America, since the ordinance used to pulverize Gaza was "Proudly Made In The U.S.A" ?

             Netanyahu insists that Rafah  is to be destroyed but what of the War intra-territorial migrants ?   There is only one place that can be made Safe for Gazanz and West Bankers and that's OBVIOUSLY the West Bank .   The U.N. SHOOD* establish a Safe Zone within the West Bank, a Peace-Keeping and Aid Supplying expeditionary Force that it may Secure Aid Dispensation and Infrastructure Temperance*, that is, some form of Parliamentary Oversight provided by the U.N. as a Governmental Adequacy* .

             Here's the Foundation for all of THAT =  "If you break it, you OWN it."


"Israeli Gears"

                             In a Sense,  American  Protectionism  has  'made'  Israel  something  of  an  American Colony .   No U.S. Defense, no Israel .   As a Colony, it is a DEPENDENT of America, a something I'm CERTAIN `troubles` Israel no end .   

              The Israeli War Plan, to reduce Gaza to rubble while exterminating as many Gazans in the process,, has had American Support albeit with utmost HORROR .   Netanyahu's middle finger has held many  American's  transfixed,  as  he  wages  a  War that  IGNORES Civilians, hospitals and Life-Giving Aid .    Netanyahu is a Human Atrocity .   America SUPPORTS Netanyahu, therefore, America is a Human Atrocity .

Soul Eaters

                              Nationwide campus protests signal an 'Awakening' of the Collective's educated youth, if 'youth', as a term, can be applied to 18-22 year olds .    It's good that they have awakened, bad that they suffer from the ravages of an American Foreign Policy gone the way of the 3 Sluts :::    Miss Appropriate, Miss Trust, Miss Use .    Generations have survived the callous and seemingly innocuous 'Diplomacy' of arming the Israeli's with the stick of state-of-the-art Technology and carrot of a "Two State Solution"  .   Both of these elements have transmogrified into Soul Eaters .    

                 The Students have fallen woefully short of an all encompassing Resolve that not only condemns Israeli near-Genocide of Gazans and West Bankers but seeks to advance the CORRECT Solution, the establishment of a Palestine that has the backing and support of the United Nations and Global Recognition of a self-Sovereign Nation .   

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Zen is Insane

                              Some of you are gonna get to "Well then Zen must also be Insane" .   

               How, then, is Sanity to be reconciled with Insanity, Ethos reconciled with Pathos ????    Peace reconciled with War ????????

                Andre Malraux wrote, Man's Fate, a favorite of mine because of one character, "old Gisors" .   I HATED his final "words of advice" to the working masses but that is not the most important motif .   

                You gotta figure that Malraux BELIEVED that "Revolution" ,, constant "Revolution",, was, in fact,, Man's Fate .   

                 I saw this film one time, it was about revolution in Middle Africa .   The Leader of Vicious Killers rabidly SNARLED at an ignorant American,  "THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WAR !!" .

                 "The 10,000" manifestations of Life =  The 10,000 manifestations of Death .

Virtue is Insanity

                              I argue that because War is devoid of Creativity, perhaps THE Essential Component of Art, then surely there can be no Art {Zen} in War .   {Close}  .............. .

               One of my difficulties is the Truth that Virtue can be Found during War .   That   >it<   makes reconciliation unfavorable .

               Look at this :  Dr. R. D. Laing bemoans, "War is INSANITY" .   This follows :   The Zen of Insanity and this as well,  How To Survive The Zen Of Insanity .   This MAY result :   Virtue is Insanity .

                Is it Insane to be Virtuous ???

The Art Of Killing

                              Maybe this one is better, "How To Survive The Zen Of War".   

               What, exactly IS "The Zen Of War" ?     How did Zen get attached to War ?   Sun Tzu wrote, The Art of War , so --- if Zen is Art [and it is], then it becomes The Zen of War .   Simple enough .

                Is "Surviving" ---> "Enough" ?    Cood-be*,,, probly* not .

                I don't think any of the Ancients addressed, "The Art of Killing" .

                If they didn't why should I ?   2 words ,,  I can't help myself . 



The Zen of War

                              I've been "Biting the Iron Wall" waiting for "The Zen Of War" to arrive in my tiny monkey brain .     There's this :  "If Zen is so great, why can't It explain War ?"    

               Steve Winwood laments, "Sometimes, I think I know 'too much' .    I echo-o-o Norm Crosby, "I resemble that remark."    , "Zen Master Seung Sahn once admonished me, "Too much understanding cannot help you !" .    Then there's this from a fellow drunk, "There's nothing worse than a confused Psychology Major."  Yup, all that and more ... .



Friday, April 26, 2024


                              We give names to our fav mechanical devices .   Roy Rogers and Dale Evans had a friend who named his Jeep, "Jezabel".  Sky King named his Piper Cub,  "Song-bird".   Ships, airplanes, jets and SUPER-Jets all have Female names .  They have Identities [and so] names and appellations SEEM Required, since mere numbers are boring and discount Identities .   Even guitars have names,  recall "Lucile" from the famous What's-his-name .

                 I have two kittens  they're VERY Special so I spell kittens with a Q and a y = Qyttens .  How sad wouldit be to name the Qytten 1 and Qytten 2 ?



"Gentleman, Start your expletives"

                              How often have each of us heard, "This fucking thing, HAS A MIND OF IT OWN" ! ?

               I'm tellin' ya qydz, there's SOMETHING TO THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               "There's always ONE" --- we've all heard THAT as well .   There was this one saw, a Stihl 0-48 that was MADDENINGLY  Temper-Mental .  I would start or wouldn't  after one or ONE-THOUSAND pulls ----cood never figure-out WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!   IT WAS A DEMON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               In the Olden Days of Yesteryear we would even PRAY to an engine, "PLEASE START"  and when  it  did  we  were  PROFUSE  in  Praise  and  when it didn't we would be intolerantly BITTER , "YOU FUCKING MOTHER-FUCKING COCK-SUCKING SONOFA-BITCHIN' ASSHOLE !!!  Oh yeah THAT and then some .

              "Those were the days."


The Endless Sumer

                              I became TERROR-FIED when I telepathically heard, "Here's your fucking coffee ASS-HOLE".  I'm certain 'it' came from the Magic Chef .   I stood TRANSFIXED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Shit-heads, nit-wits and dotards = those that refuse to acknowledge the TRUTH of 'Alien Abduction ,  would SCOFF at the Presence of Mind and Spirit in the Magic Chef .   Am I now to enjoin myself to Those-Abducted-by-Aliens ?????????    

               I can't help but to figure that the 'Chef" wants me to THANK him for his Service .   I DO "take him for granted" but DOESN'T EVERYBODY "take for granted" microwave Physics ???   

                               Where does it end ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ... .


                              I'm locked into Mortal Combat with my microwave which was built sometime between 4 B.C. and 2242 .  I shit you not .   This fucking unit is SELF-AWARE !!!!!!!!!!

              No matter what position I place my mug, its handle stops at the most ridiculous angle possible, causing me excruciating contortions to remove it from the glass platter .   I've tried every position conceivable by Human Beings and STILL nothing has worked thus far .  

               It's an old and FUTURISTIC "Magic Chef" with a Pull and Push Door and an old egg timer for a chronometer although it DOESN'T  "Tell" Time .

               I pooh-poohed the "Magic" front of Magic Chef , there's a little something to microwave 'magic'--but it's PHYSICS not MAGIC.  So----I mean---- there's THAT .

               Initially , I figured it was playing "head games" with me, but as any pure-bred Rationalist would conclude --->  It couldn't POSSIBLY be playing "head games" because it was SUPPOSE-TO-BE Inanimate .   Thing is >>>>>>>IT WAS PLAYING 'HEAD GAMES' with me<<<<<<<  .

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The "SS"

                              The Courts CANNOT treat trump as a so-called "private citizen" if they continue to award him an "SS" micro-army .   He is a KNOWN Seditionist*, as recorded by TWO Impeachment DISASTERS !!!   Half the Congress is CONFEDERATE --- why in the WORLD would they condemn one of there own ????????????????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Not only does he deserve Military COURT-MARSHAL the Courts must STRIP him of his "SS" protectorship* [so] that he may TRULY be subject to Street and Gutter Valuation .  

"Heea cum da Judge"

                              We're at a point where the "Rule of Law' DOES NOT APPLY TO DONALD TRUMP !

                The word/term "Unprecedented" keeps appearing and re-appearing because there's not a good word or term or even phrase that can fully express the CRIMINAL Condition of  "Is he JUST a man or is he STILL a 'President' .    Clearly,,, the so-called 'Justice SYSTEM' hasn't the Will nor Means to exact "you-and-me" PUNISHMENT upon an X-PRES .   BIG Brains and SUPER-Smarts state the Conundrum with PATHETIC Malfeasance rendering the Trial of an X nothing more than STREET THEATER .   

                Not only was trump the "Commander-In-Chief" he transmogrified into the Neo-Confederate GENERAL .   Should he now be tried by a MILITARY TRIBUNAL ???   Jan. 6 was his attempt to USURP the Power of the Constitution by inciting a REVOLT that overran the Capital as though it were a TARGET of  WAR !!!    

                In my Mind, THAT'S what this THIS is "All About" --->  declaring War on the United States .

...qool qats ...

                              I have been RABID to see trump in an orange jump suit and behind bars .   Not gonna happen .  We've been informed that should he be so sentenced for Gag Order violations, it would result in yet  even  MORE  delays  which  would  get  trump  closer  to  the  Election   WITHOUT   any  Criminal Conviction .    I told you qool* qats* > he is DIABOLICAL .  


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Burn Notice"

                              I exited CVS heading to the pick-up when I had a premonition to stop at Pat's Outdoor Power to see if there were any free pallets .  Well "Lo and Behold", not only was there free wood, IT WAS IN HAND SIZE SQUARES !!!!!!   Not a few, HALF A LOAD !!!   Kindling and fuel for at least 2 days Burn !   How fucking TERRIFIC is THAT ?    Was I not BLESSED ????   Indeed YES !!!!!

                Ya gotta figure that the Universe was Affirming my Resolve--- that my Idea to gather as much fertilizer as was possible was a GOOD one .   Recall the "Slash and burn" tactic of Farmers to rid themselves of under and over growth that would steal and/or deny land its natural fecundity .   The ash is fertile with micro-nutrients and the Burn partially sterilizes the soil enough to act as a pre-emergent .  "Win-Win" .


Weed as irregular plural noun

                             You qydz* remember what I wrote about "Sending Out" ?    Well, it happened again yesterday .

               I needed firewood in order to cook some weeds that I may recover micro-nutrients from them .   It's a time-consuming activity but the Fire is Warm and the Companionship Eternal --- plus I get to utilize waste material by exercising >> transformation .   

               I never DARE to ask the Universe for shit that may arrive of its own accord --- but these early Spring mornings have found frost all over everything and there's even been ice in the water bowls and bird baths --- disheartening and best, at worst, etchingly* maddening .   I cood* never be a doctor, cuz* I don't have any patience .



Sunday, April 21, 2024

Manjushri or Why I write

                            Know this :  "Homage is frequently made to Manjushri at the beginning of philosophical texts...  He is thus the Symbol for the  >>> Experience of Enlightenment<<<  as manifested in Intellectual Exposition." 

             I mean, there's THAT .


To wish upon a Star

                              I think that inwardly, I want to be considered a Rhetorician ,  I mean,  THAT'S  "Will Farrel"  >>  "Classy" .   The thing with Rhetoric is that it always seems so fucking  > "Life or Death" vis-a-vis Cicero and/or Sallust ,,,, not exactly to my liking BUT................ .

                Since Rhetoric is "the ART of Persuasion"  you gotta figure I'm WAAAAY uP for that because at my Inmost Core I want not only to Contribute to Humankind's Civilization but to "...make folks turn toward Buddha's Teaching" .    

                 Unlike "The Art of Zen Sword'sMan-ship" I fear my 'writing art' {I'm a rwitor} is less like Frank Frazetta's Art  and  more like  Jackson Pollack's [ if Jack had a "Paint-by-numbers" panoply].  Oh well .

                  I   WANT    to  believe  that  my   "Connect-The -Dots"  `system`  is tuned to galaxical* Constellations --- the one where Earthly visages are identified as COSMIC Strands .   Wishful thinking??  I'm there on that . 


The Art of Art

                              ...So now Facebook won't let me use its platform to present my blogs .    I already suffer abysmal readership numbers ... .

               Apparently I have unwittingly joined the ranks of writers, philosophers and others, whose works remain violently esoteric .  I gotta tell ya , that BLOWS !

               How great would it be if my Fav Few were to encourage others to check me out .   That has NOT happened perhaps due to shame and/or guilt,,, or even, maybe, that they consider my stuff extravagantly esoteric but to a FAULT .    

               I LOVE "Sophistry" "...unsound, or misleading but clever, plausible, and subtle argument or reasoning" because it affords foreground and background "cover" for Higher Order Reasoning accessible only from the Realms of Imagination and, oddly, Logic .

               ... and then there's > Polemics <  "The Art of Practice of Disputation and/or Controversy" {Upper case letters are mine}.  You gotta wonder how >> ART<< 'got in there' .

Saturday, April 20, 2024

"They became what they beheld"

                              No Mirror, no Scale -- so what then ?    2 words >>  television  .

               I have contended that the trump trial IS the trial of American Democracy and as such is Existential in Form and Quality .   Yesterday I heard that trump could be found GUILTY and yet NOT be committed to jail nor penitentiary .  He would 'walk' as though Free .  

               "It" gets worse .   Should the scotus 'find' trump "ABOVE THE LAW" then the Foundation of Democracy has fallen into the sea like a castle made of sand .   

               I warned that trump will make the republican party into his own image --- that THAT has come to pass .    Gazing at trump in wondrous rapture has TRANSFORMED normal Americans .  They truly have become what they have beheld .



"The Medium IS the Message"

                              If Washington 'represents' Democracy, and Washington was nearly deified, then Democracy too, has been nearly deified .    Washington as God,  represented within "In Washington We Trust", which moves to "In God We Trust" .    Democracy as RELIGION :   Currency as the Medium of Religion .   American Currency as subliminal Propaganda --- on every coin, on every bill =  `In Religion We Trust` .  

               So much for "The Separation of Church and State" .

Fiefdom = Fiefdumb

                          Do you think GW looked into his mirror and saw a RACIST ?????     Not buyin' it .   

              Professor Glaude wants us to look in the Mirror and see a Racist and then he wants us to wage our own [private] {internal} Civil War upon ourselves .    Still not buyin' it .

              No one wants to consider him/her self a Racist .   From "South Park" =  "Racism is bad, okay?"

              I contend that no one wants to look in the Mirror or even get on a scale .   "The Truth hurts'.

              We overlook shortcomings, flaws and faults because it is NATURAL to do so .   ALL of us have been exposed to >>>   "Love is BLIND" .   Love is Blind for a Reason,  without said Blindness,   Love MAY not flourish .   From the Doobie Brothers =   "Without Love, where would we be now ?" 



Toward 'Backwardism*'

                                 Can there be = `Nobility in Intent` ?    I don't know, perhaps .

                 You can see It, rite ?   The Flaws in GW  IS {one of} the Flaws in Democracy .   As a Sin, can it be expiated ?    Lincoln's  Effort  to  Expiate  the  Original Sin  manifested  as  the  Civil War .   Clearly that Sin was NOT expiated nor was there to be "Absolution" .   When Medieval Feudalism reached Plymouth, it took only a few years to devolve into Egyptian Slavery, a Mindset that it was far better to enslave one's enemies rather than put them to the Sword .   Here it is were Civilization is FRAUGHT with Human Cruelty --- here it is where it MUST-BE considered that a PRIMARY Characteristic of "Humanity" is its "GENETIC PREDISPOSITION"  >>toward<<<  Instinctual Animality* .   

"Go to the Mirror, boy ..."

                                  Some mornings the search for 'the 1st sentence' ends in exasperational* resignation .   Not the case THIS morning .  Dr Edward Glaude, favorite SUPER-Brain of Nicole Wallace, has a new book out, "We Are The Heroes We've Been Looking For" [title bastardized] .    He believes that "No one is gonna come and rescue us"---that it's up to US to 'rescue' ourselves from the clutches of trumpian and evangelical HORROR .  I have NOT read his book, but I understand the sentiment {sediment} upon which it is based .

                  The good Doctor [ he is a Professor at Princeton ], insists that NOW is a 'Time of Reckoning' -- that the American "Collective Conscious" MUST >>address<<  its Past, what I have elsewhere described as Washingtonian Capitalism {Slavery} and  Plantational* Feudalism* .   Also, I have origined* the Notion that Washington's ownership of Slaves is as profound and deep as the Christian Dogma that identifies the Presence of "Original Sin" ,  meaning , the "Original Sin of Democracy is Washington's never-addressed ownership of Slaves .   

                  The  'Reckoning' look like this :  "Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." and "Go to the Mirror boy"... .


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


                                 If I had ANY talent I could juxtapose the Trial with the Election .   Sadly ....... .

                 It is only my Intuition that views :  >>>The Trial IS the Election<<< .

                 Trump has ALREADY vomited :  "This Trial is RIGGED" --- An echo-o-o of "The Election will be RIGGED {If I don't win} .

                 I've claimed the Election "ain't-gonna matter" --- rhetorically, I can't escape -->  The Trial "ain't-gonna matter" ... .

                Unless ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .


The Defense of Sodom and Gomorrah

                                 "All it takes is one."   This is something of a "clarion call" .   Pundits, BIG Brains and SUPER-Smarts have broad-casted this "CAUTION" with EXTREME Precision .   This >>> Condition is nothing short of   >>> "Do NOT --->  get your Hopes up" <<< .   

                Trump has ALREADY defied the "Gag Order" and has NOT received ANY Court Sanction nor Punishment .   Not only is he "Above the Law" ,,,  he IS the Law .  

                 "Can you find 12 jurors who AREN'T Biased ?"   "Can you find ONE Honest Man" .   "Is there not ONE Moral Man or Woman in Sodom ?"  

                 Just askin' ... .


The BIG Grapple

                                 There were no riots, no bloodshed, trump's "BLOODBATH" was a `whitewash` .

                 Ya gotta believe trump was 'eating his liver'.  No one showed-up save for MAYBE a couple dozen--if that .   

                  It's brash to claim that "Justice is being served" .

                  The court is a POLITICAL venue for him .   This THIS should have been denied him, instead he is able to dupe MILLIONS from his zombie home-ies .

                  2 words :  PATHETIC .

Monday, April 15, 2024

"What we got here, is a failure of communication."

                         I wish that were all .   There's this :   when the knocker goes to the right, the bell rings :  when it goes to the left, the bell rings ;  when the knocker remains stationary ............ .

              Let me remind you :  it's a Hundred Years War ;  that's FIVE Generations until the bell stops ringing .   My Generation MUST 'die off' because it has refused to relinquish Power .   Succeeding Generations will bear the Cross of my Generation's abject Failures, which began with the Failure of the "Great Society" .    



Daddy Day Scare

                              I gotta get out into the Real World this morning, the pick-up is running on fumes, I have no money for propane, I need anti-death medicine ;  and if I can summon the strength,, bleach and a light bulb from the hardware store .   2 words :   DAUNTING !

               I useta be normal, I could manage routine errands without thinking, 2nd nature style --- but these days folks scare the fuck out of me,  you wanna treat them as normal but they may be TRUMP supporters, a something I ALMOST cannot bear .   I've written elsewhere >> being an American Means you have every RIGHT to be the BIGGEST ASSHOLE you can be<< .   But I gotta tell ya ___________ .


Friday, April 12, 2024

The Nazca Lines

                              "Along the {Nazca} lines of ~ `Somewhere someone must have said,` "If you can't do the little things, how the fuck you gonna-do* the BIG Things ? "

              One word : You aint .

               The Effort to properly secure that Door between interstitial space was prompted by "my aching back".  Was it "Life or Death" ?  Hardly,,,,,,  was it a MARTIAN Exigency ?  DEFINITELY !!!

                I am quite fond of using the verb "To Figure" .   I base my use of 'figure' on my Love for Geometry and ITS use of 'Figures' and "Givens" .    Indeed, the number of times I have positioned objects and items to "see" if they fit--  is astra-fucking-nomical* .   Visualization  aids in problem solving,,,,,, we even say , "Seeing is Believing" ----   [There is also "Figure of speech"] .              

               Is there anything BESIDES >>  Figuring ?    


"My Favorite Martian"

                              Matt Damon did a terrific 'job' in Ridley Scott's "The Martian" .    It is RARE that {un}common  >Ingenuity<  is elevated to VIRTUE in such Romantic GRANDEUR --- but both Ridley  and Matt TRANSCENDED  Standard Cinema Fare as they 'dealt with' first ABANDONMENT and then Martian SURVIVAL .  Here it is where Common Sense and Higher Order Reasoning were DEMANDED by Existing Conditions --- and where each and every Problem manifested as EXISTENTIAL CRISIS .

              Here it is where each and every task -- even the teeny-tiniest -- presented CALCULABLE Scientific Forensics and therefore HAD-TO be addressed with purely OBJECTIVE Rationality .  

              In my Instance --  I had to "get by "  the Emotional TRAUMA {HY-end DRAMA] -- the one wherein I HATE myself for NOT being able to solve what appeared to be an EZ problem,,,  I mean shit, "A FOUR year old" cooda* figured this one out"  After a few hours I NEEDED a 4 yr, old because I had come up with nothing less than "Deaf-Dumb and Blind- Ness*" .

              Zen Master Seung Sahn used to Teach, "It isn't enough to be stupid, you must be COMPLETELY Stupid."    I mean,,,,,, there's THAT .


The Think King

                             Eventually I asked the CORRECT Question, `What is the   BEST    way to fasten the chain to the knob ?`   MUCH better .

              You add 'cable-ties'  to your 'duct tape' tool box and you can head to Mars or Jupiter anxiety free .

               I got the cable-tie of the correct size and threaded it through the last chain link--I DIDN'T "snug-it-up"  because I left space for a snipper* in the event I had to remove it .   VOILA !!!!!!!!!!!!   Now it  'works' swimmingly .





Stew Pitt

                              You guessed it ... THAT is EXACTLY what happened {  --- _   }   the choker fell off . 

                I hadn't secured the choker properly because IT had a shortcoming = a half link I THOUGHT would be enough to lock it to a whole link .

                I HAD considered other solutions :  string and an eye hook ;   KNOTTING the chain ;   blah blah blah    but when Magnetism arrived I chose that .   I mean it this way :   in my HEAD it was perfect, on the knob not so much .   Nothing's Correct UNTIL IT IS TESTED !   I learned THAT from watching the Discovery Channel's "WINGS" , where I also learned :  There's no such thing as a >failed< experiment  and this gem, There ARE  >> WRONG << Questions .  

                By now you've probably asked , WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THIS STUPID SHIT ?

                 Good Question.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Door-ango CHAINED

                              Here's the Solution --->   Magnetism .  

                Jerry Seinfeld did this bit :   "Do you like peanut-butter and jelly ?  Cuz if you DO, we can be BEST Friends."   So I wondered, could THAT be a "Pick-up Line" ?    It got better as I explored the ramifications ........ .   Do you like GRAVITY ?  Do you like ELECTRICITY ??  Do you like Heat and Hot Water ???   

                  I went delirious on myself ............................................................................... .

                 Here's what resulted :  I figured to use a magnet and some small chain and to choke the door knob with the chain and marry it to a broken magnet I had stuck on the file cabinet .  

                  Guess what happened ---------  go ahead --- Guess .......................... .

The Door between Interstitial Spaces

                              So there's this door between interstitial places that has  tortured me as though I am tied to its "Whipping Post" .   For YEARS I've had to endure ETERNAL sufferings because I have been unable to correctly address its seemingly DIABOLICAL presence .    I was stuck on using various blocks and rubber stops, I even used a 3 lb, dumb-bell so APPROPRIATE to its [my] Enigma .   I succeeded at being excruciatingly Frustrated .

              I told my Self "This HAS-TA end".   OBVIOUSLY I was asking the rwong* question(s) .   Not just any fucked-up piece of shit would work, because the door HAD-TA shut,,, and twine, and string and such would NOT be helpful since I'd need an eye-screw to anchor it and besides that I'M FUCKING SOOOOOOOOO LAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               What to do --------what to do ??????????????

"... about a weak back ... "

                              From Rhode Island's WPRO and its DJs "Paul and All" :  "I've got a weak back" --- Really ? When'd that happen ?  ---  "About a week back" .   

              I mean it this way =  I HAD a viciously STRONG back but then I got old and now it's weak as a newborn kitten .   I do EVERYTHING to AVOID bending over to pick things up -- indeed I have not one, not Two but THREE "grabby-things" that I now CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT .   I'd walk a MILE just to get one to pick up even ONE sock---that's how bad it is .   

              I have a grabby-thing next to the dryer so I don't have to perform acrobatic MIRACLES to remove the dried laundry--I call it my "spear/grabber" so I can achieve some sort of Face-saving mental posture .   I spear the items as a spear fisherman .   How great am I ?????


Monday, April 8, 2024


                             Ya gotta figure that if there's a 'raper wit' then there MUST-BE an Excalibur Sword Wit, a Broad Sword Wit and most def a Zen Sword Wit --  I'm goin with THAT one .

              Following the sequence above we are certain to encounter Samurai Sword Wit, and naturally Vajra Sword Wit .   Here now MAY be a small necessity to define "Wit" .    To be Honest, it's taken me some Time to get this far ~~~  the Def I want to impose on Wit is far too personal to make it accepted generally --- but here goes anyway :   Wit is a Combat >>>SITUATIONAL<<< Awareness, generated by MENTAL INTENSITY , a Mind 'under threat' from OUTSIDE Sources " .    Forgive an old man, that's the best I can do this morning .


"Bon" Voyage

                              We have been taught that when under pressure  to "Keep your 'wits' about you" .  Of course these 'wits' are NOT : nit wits, dim wits and half wits ---  we can surely live without THEM .    One 'wit' of prominence is "rapier wit" whereas the lightweight rapier is wielded with speed and finesse so is one's ar   Master Tsao's use of "Vajra Sword" has certainly intrigued me .   We know from reading the Definition of Vajrayana in the Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, that the Vajrayana "movement arose from a need to ex-t--e---n---d the worldview of Buddhism to inverterate 'magical' practices and is characterized by a psychological method based on highly developed ritual practices " .

               We recall that when Buddhism reached Tibet and its "Bon" Religion there was an Effort made to incorporate SOME of the Bon into Buddhism's Teachings that a Socio-Philosophical Harmony result .   Obviously Buddhism supplanted the Bon but not without 'transformation(s)' .   

               But I digress ... .

Sunday, April 7, 2024

"Halo everybody, halo" --- 70's commercial

                              There are vast iconographic depictions of Saints and Holy Souls who have been adorned with halos and nimbuses which indicate not only Sacred-Ness but the ENLIGHTENED Being .  I prefer the nimbus to the halo because it is recognition of the Field Dynamic of MIND Energy-- the one that results after YEARS AND YEARS of SINGULAR Devotion .   Here it is where Enlightenment HAS been Attained in its most profound and Glorious Spirituality .

               I am suggesting here, that when Sword is activated to sever Thinking, there is an Intensity of Focus that results in first a glow and then Light .   Recall that LASER is Light Amplification [by] Stimulated Emission of Radiation .   {I THINK} We can safely ascribe this Light TO the Sword itself [when imaginative rendition is applied].  


"Undercover Brother"

                              It is safe to regard one's Inmost Core or one's Inmost Being as the 'Unknown' {but not Unknowable} .    Master Fortin insists the we must "Navigate" in the Unknown, and he claims his Kwan Um Do Kwang Sword is partly Illuminative in both Form and Structure, meaning,, that the Sword itself "acts-like" the Torch I have mentioned earlier .   He claims his Sword "Illuminates" the "Way".  Here, we can now appreciate that the Unknown IS "Darkness" and we can use these reference >>> "The Darkness of the Soul" and "Heart of Darkness" to  aid  us in IMAGINING the conditional disposition of one's Inmost Core or one's Inmost Being .    Where one's EGO resides in "The light of day" ,,,  the Self does NOT .


"Darkness Darkness, be my pillow "

                              I do NOT know why 'flames' are a part of Manjushri's "Wisdom Sword" .  Even in 'altered states of ConsciousMess*', the best I can envision is rather {caustically} simplistic .    The Sword 'acts' like a [plain-old] >>>  Torch .   It is widely known that to perform field amputations machetes were super-heated to 'cherry-red' so that the cut would then instantly cauterize the limb .   I doubt that severing THOUGHTS would require such extreme cauterization .

              I must ASSUME that Entering the Darkness of one's Inmost Core REQUIRES 'Light in some form or another, but I don't know WHY .   We are now faced with the Question, "What is the NATURE of one's 'Inmost Core' " .    

              From the Youngbloods, "Darkness Darkness, be my pillow" .

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Mind Sword

                              I have ever seen a picture of Jesus holding a Sword, nor I have I seen the Buddha so armed .   I doubt one exists .

                Saint  Mathew  claims  that   Jesus said :   " I do not come to bring Peace, I come to bring Sword " .   Clearly His use of "Sword" is that of MIND Sword --- which I cast as EQUAL to that of Sword Master Kim's "MIND Sword" the application of which is to "Cut Thinking" .

                The Sword of Jesus NOT physical in ANY Sense but it SYMBOLIZES a LASER-Like FOCUS of >>>Mental Energy<<< that is capable of Penetrating to the Inmost Core of one's Psychic Existence wherein lie the Wisdom's of ALL Eternities .    

                 At its nadir of Crude and [most] Primitive, Sword may be seen as a manifestation of Understanding .   At its zenith  it is a Mental Dynamic of INFINITE Power , The Power Jesus used to Educate His Followers and Elevate them to {supra} Divine Status .  

o9iqswaoi9qwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<< Kitten Tudes on the keyboard .

                 Primitive understanding is the beginning  investigative forensics .   When an individual is moved to learn More, {and Practice HARDER] that Intensity registers as a Willing-Ness* to proceed into the Realm of the Absolute ---  the Complete Devotion to not only one's Truth, but to one's HONESTY .

          the end of Infinity [ . ]

                              Something must be set-forth about the `acquisition` of the  "Vajra Sword", the "Flaming Sword" and  perhaps even   Zen and Sword Master Chang Sik Kim's   Shim Gum Do   the "Mind Sword Path'.   It is absolutely IMPERATIVE to 'see' the Swords themselves as first SYMBOLS except in the case of Sword Master Kim's,, wherein  his  Sword  exists in the Primary Reality of Time and Space , meaning, his is "The Art of Zen Sword", a PHYSICAL (at first) Discipline of Swordsmanship .   

              There are two important aspects [characteristics] of the Vajra Sword that is shared by Manjushri's "Flaming Sword", notably, their 'ability' to "Penetrate" into the ultimate Reality [of Existence] and  to  generate  ILLUMINATION   [ of  the  True Nature of Reality {and therefore Existence} ] .   It is also IMPERATIVE to 'see' that in Shim Gum Do the Essence of THAT Sword is to 'Cut Thinking' , meaning when thoughts arise during Meditation , the Sword is 'activated' to sever the bonds of unwanted thinking .

               "Guohan" William Tsao has credited his audience with an understanding that pre-supposes the actuality  of   >A<   Sword  within  the  context  of   Conscious and Meditative Awareness* .   I know from my own experience no such Sword existed in MY Mind, but that may or may NOT be applicable here.   





The Sky of Diamonds

                              Early this morning I came upon Zen Master William Tsao's fb post wherein he introduced his audience to the "Vajra Sword" .    I totally agree with everything he posted and I supplement it as follows.

               The Sword of Bodhisattva Manjushri is said to be the "Wisdom Sword" but it is iconographically depicted as being a "Flaming Sword".   The Vajra Sword CAN be iconographically depicted as a DIAMOND Sword since the Vajra itself is referred to as the "Adamantine" here recognized as "Indestructable".   There is difficulty in that the Vajra "Sword" may sometimes NOT be a "Weapon' in the Classic or Traditional Sense .   The 'Sword' itself "stands-for" "the being or essence of everything [that] exists ."   WHY the Sword was selected as Symbol is beyond the scope of this day's 'measure' .

              I find a 'need' to `hazard` the Physics of the "Diamond Sword" as well as the "Flaming Sword' as well as Master Fortin's Kwan Un Do Kwang which identifies ITS Sword as a "Light Generating" Weapon. where 'Weapon' is more properly pronounced as "Instrument" .


Friday, April 5, 2024

Call of the child

                              I beg and beseech my readers to identify themselves and their country of origin that I may release myself from the Darkness of the Unknown .  Please put your name in the box that follows "COMMENTS"  below.  Thank You .

Thursday, April 4, 2024

"Crumbs off the fat cat's table"

                             I hazard* that within the {ideological} realm of Diabolicism is its 'ability' to 'spell-bind' as evidenced by trump's cult-like Following* .    Among these 'Stricken' , allegiance to and loyalty for trumpism is PROFOUNDLY  Significant, in that, some have DEVOTED their existence to him and his EGO-MANIACAL Trajectory toward Absolutism .    Elsewhere I have characterized them as zombies, mindless corpses with an insatiable NEED to feed upon the Living .   That characterization is now wholly unsatisfactory because even an imbecile can see  his Congress as being 'alive' `enough` to KNOW that he is a DESTROYER .   Still, they are BOUND to him and his insatiable appetite to 'eat' the System until barely a crumb remains .  

                   In the Olden-Days-Gone-Whipping-By, liberals, Marxist-Leninists, and even those of the SDS would mouth "Crumbs off the fat cat's table" to manifest what the 1 to 5% were 'giving' the poor and down-trodden as societal recompense for their UNHOLY Cruelty .   These days these same 'crumbs' are all that remains of LBJ's now pathetic "Great Society" .    We are worse-off now then we were Then ---just look around .

                  What do do ---what to do ???????????



His Will be done

                         According to our Western Civ. professor, Dr. Langer, the answer to "Why do the innocent suffer ?' is an innocuous "Because it is God's Will".   Further, "God's Will CANNOT be known" and even worse, "[it is] because the Mind of the Finite CANNOT know the Mind of the Infinite" ... .  Unsatisfactory at best, at worst, thoroughly deflective .

            It's NOT that there is ANY 'invisibility-of-intent' with regard to Diabolicism either .  Indeed, pundits have LOUDLY broadcast that trump's INTENTIONS have been manifested within the texts and contexts of his rhetoric and bomb=basts* .   In the EXACT 'same way' that "God's Will be done" so it is with   >>>  `trump's Will be done` .

            When trump entered Office I rwote you qidz* that trump, like God, would remake Man and Civilization "in his own image---thus has that 'come to pass' 


Why DO 'The Innocent Suffer' ???

                              I have long considered Satan's question , "But if you TESTED Job, what would he do THEN ? " as being DIABOLICAL .   This example of 'Diabolical' is exactly what it is; but it is generatively* MILD when compared to trump's Diabolicism with regard to America's mainstream and mainriver* MASSES .   Satan's Diabolicism effected Job and his family but did NOT 'involve' Job's community  nor the Land in which they dwelled*.    

              You can see it rite ?   Trump's Diabolicism EXCEEDS that of Satan himself .  It's an 'off-the-scale' level of W-T-F .

               Trump continues to withstand the judicial pressure that the Courts SPARINGLY apply .   No persin* in AMERICAN HISTORY has withstood the CONSTITUTIONAL CRUSH of  "No man is above the Law" as has trump ......  such is the true Nature of {Satanic} Diabolicism .




                              By claiming that migrants are 'animals' trump has positioned himself directly in front of Genesis and its "and Man shall have dominion over all the animals" [ or something like that ] which then supplies him with nothing less than BIBLICAL  >Authority< .  I've stated elsewhere that not only is trump  >criminally  insane<  he is {somehow}  a  Diabolical  Genius  along  the  lines  of   Hitler, Stalin,, Pol Pot,,, and Others .    

                Last night news anchor and author, Chris Hayes, did a segment wherein he described trump's Effort to not only NEGATE the Presidential Records Act, but INSIST [on] its EXACT OPPOSITE .   Here it  is  where  `Diabolical`  enters  and  where  I have  {no choice  but}  to  designate  such  Strategy [as] >>Diabolicism<<  .   



Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Art of Pen and Sword

                              When I began my Retirement I could rwite* for 4 or five hours, eat a small lunch, rest,, and then get outdoors and do an hour or so of Sword .   "Nirvana" get us there .   Those Days are gone forever .   Bit by bit, piece by piece,, my Strength and WillingNess*  evaporated as foretold by Ancient Kung Fu Masters .   These days, simply rwiting for even three hours 'drains' me to such an extant that  a two hour 'siesta' is NOT enough to refuel me, that I may do Sword in an ACCEPTABLE 'Manner' . 

              Doing Sword at a Tai Chi rate is UN-Satisfactory and even half-speed is woe-fully UN-Fulfilling as is the notion :   "Some Sword is better than NO Sword."   

              At some point I can now not recall, I opted to model my Retirement after Zen and Sword Master Yamaoka Tesshu's "Sword of No Sword" which I deemed appropriate for my Physical and Mental Condition.   The Sword of No Sword is a recounting of the Life of Master Warrior Tesshu written by John Stevens .   It helped me define my Retirement Existence since not only was Zen Master Tesshu and X-Drunk, he was a Calligrapher of Empiric Renown .  Sword and Art  --->  I was there on THAT .



The Agony of Age-ony

                             Some time ago I had asked the Universe for a 'Sign' or 'Signal' that I should pick up my Sword and do some Forms on a daily basis .   Super-early this morning I awoke from a dream in which I was rallying various level Sword students to do "Basic Motions" since they had become 'rag-tag' with regard to their Training .  I managed to get through only the first 4 Basic Motions before the availability of the Space came to a chaotic end.   

            I have had serious injuries to my non-Sword shoulder, hand and knee -- indeed, I can NOT trust my left knee hardly at all .   It 'gives-out' quite unexpectedly on a quasi-routine basis and on some days it aches so much so that even after small distances I must sit to recover .   This AIN'T the knee one needs to do Sword properly, since the pain actually sickens my stomach as well .

            I 'blew-out' my left shoulder some years ago, when I was warming up for bench press work .  130 ten times was my standard, but on THAT day I never got passed 5 .   The shoulder never healed so doing left handed Sword was simply 'out of the question' .   

            2 words :   Age .



Monday, April 1, 2024

Golden Stardust

                              I'm gonna get out and continue the burn-down clean-up I began last week .   The wind storms have relented .... .    I must work on the garden border which I anticipate to be a heavy drudgery since the soil is semi-super-saturated making its weight punishingly unwieldy .    I gotta use the smallest long-handled spade I have because using the MAN'S-SIZE would limit the amount of time my old back can afford-- such is the true nature of old age .   

              I've yet to complete the entire formulation of "The Zen of Rock Rigging" --- >It< is all around me-- and yet ... .  I've been stealing lines from the I Ching and setting them to task as {ribald} Wisdom --- the so-called "Thought of the Day" , in an Effort to introduce Spiritual Conduct to the general public ---  I mean its' "OK" but ONLY "OK" .   I KNOW Zen Master Seung Sahn would gently admonish me , "I want to read YOUR Zen, what do YOU say " .... .  He's admonished me before .

              I WANT to redefine Zen ---  to bend It's Truth into a more Mystical Application of Material Spiritualization* ... .   Elsewhere I have insisted that "I draw water, I carry wood" is a MYSTICAL Experience ---  so it must be that >I chain an anchor, I move a rock<  is the Same .   I want there to be a thing called "Mystical Application", a 'thing' that makes everyday tasks and toils a Mystical Experience as well ---  that there is DIVINITY  within even the smallest day-to-day activity .   CSN+Y lyric,,  "We are Stardust, we are Golden" ---  I want THAT .