Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Art of Art

                              ...So now Facebook won't let me use its platform to present my blogs .    I already suffer abysmal readership numbers ... .

               Apparently I have unwittingly joined the ranks of writers, philosophers and others, whose works remain violently esoteric .  I gotta tell ya , that BLOWS !

               How great would it be if my Fav Few were to encourage others to check me out .   That has NOT happened perhaps due to shame and/or guilt,,, or even, maybe, that they consider my stuff extravagantly esoteric but to a FAULT .    

               I LOVE "Sophistry" "...unsound, or misleading but clever, plausible, and subtle argument or reasoning" because it affords foreground and background "cover" for Higher Order Reasoning accessible only from the Realms of Imagination and, oddly, Logic .

               ... and then there's > Polemics <  "The Art of Practice of Disputation and/or Controversy" {Upper case letters are mine}.  You gotta wonder how >> ART<< 'got in there' .

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