Saturday, April 20, 2024

"They became what they beheld"

                              No Mirror, no Scale -- so what then ?    2 words >>  television  .

               I have contended that the trump trial IS the trial of American Democracy and as such is Existential in Form and Quality .   Yesterday I heard that trump could be found GUILTY and yet NOT be committed to jail nor penitentiary .  He would 'walk' as though Free .  

               "It" gets worse .   Should the scotus 'find' trump "ABOVE THE LAW" then the Foundation of Democracy has fallen into the sea like a castle made of sand .   

               I warned that trump will make the republican party into his own image --- that THAT has come to pass .    Gazing at trump in wondrous rapture has TRANSFORMED normal Americans .  They truly have become what they have beheld .



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