Saturday, April 6, 2024

Mind Sword

                              I have ever seen a picture of Jesus holding a Sword, nor I have I seen the Buddha so armed .   I doubt one exists .

                Saint  Mathew  claims  that   Jesus said :   " I do not come to bring Peace, I come to bring Sword " .   Clearly His use of "Sword" is that of MIND Sword --- which I cast as EQUAL to that of Sword Master Kim's "MIND Sword" the application of which is to "Cut Thinking" .

                The Sword of Jesus NOT physical in ANY Sense but it SYMBOLIZES a LASER-Like FOCUS of >>>Mental Energy<<< that is capable of Penetrating to the Inmost Core of one's Psychic Existence wherein lie the Wisdom's of ALL Eternities .    

                 At its nadir of Crude and [most] Primitive, Sword may be seen as a manifestation of Understanding .   At its zenith  it is a Mental Dynamic of INFINITE Power , The Power Jesus used to Educate His Followers and Elevate them to {supra} Divine Status .  

o9iqswaoi9qwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<< Kitten Tudes on the keyboard .

                 Primitive understanding is the beginning  investigative forensics .   When an individual is moved to learn More, {and Practice HARDER] that Intensity registers as a Willing-Ness* to proceed into the Realm of the Absolute ---  the Complete Devotion to not only one's Truth, but to one's HONESTY .


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