Saturday, April 20, 2024

"Go to the Mirror, boy ..."

                                  Some mornings the search for 'the 1st sentence' ends in exasperational* resignation .   Not the case THIS morning .  Dr Edward Glaude, favorite SUPER-Brain of Nicole Wallace, has a new book out, "We Are The Heroes We've Been Looking For" [title bastardized] .    He believes that "No one is gonna come and rescue us"---that it's up to US to 'rescue' ourselves from the clutches of trumpian and evangelical HORROR .  I have NOT read his book, but I understand the sentiment {sediment} upon which it is based .

                  The good Doctor [ he is a Professor at Princeton ], insists that NOW is a 'Time of Reckoning' -- that the American "Collective Conscious" MUST >>address<<  its Past, what I have elsewhere described as Washingtonian Capitalism {Slavery} and  Plantational* Feudalism* .   Also, I have origined* the Notion that Washington's ownership of Slaves is as profound and deep as the Christian Dogma that identifies the Presence of "Original Sin" ,  meaning , the "Original Sin of Democracy is Washington's never-addressed ownership of Slaves .   

                  The  'Reckoning' look like this :  "Mirror, Mirror on the wall..." and "Go to the Mirror boy"... .


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