Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Defense of Sodom and Gomorrah

                                 "All it takes is one."   This is something of a "clarion call" .   Pundits, BIG Brains and SUPER-Smarts have broad-casted this "CAUTION" with EXTREME Precision .   This >>> Condition is nothing short of   >>> "Do NOT --->  get your Hopes up" <<< .   

                Trump has ALREADY defied the "Gag Order" and has NOT received ANY Court Sanction nor Punishment .   Not only is he "Above the Law" ,,,  he IS the Law .  

                 "Can you find 12 jurors who AREN'T Biased ?"   "Can you find ONE Honest Man" .   "Is there not ONE Moral Man or Woman in Sodom ?"  

                 Just askin' ... .


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