Monday, April 8, 2024

"Bon" Voyage

                              We have been taught that when under pressure  to "Keep your 'wits' about you" .  Of course these 'wits' are NOT : nit wits, dim wits and half wits ---  we can surely live without THEM .    One 'wit' of prominence is "rapier wit" whereas the lightweight rapier is wielded with speed and finesse so is one's ar   Master Tsao's use of "Vajra Sword" has certainly intrigued me .   We know from reading the Definition of Vajrayana in the Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen, that the Vajrayana "movement arose from a need to ex-t--e---n---d the worldview of Buddhism to inverterate 'magical' practices and is characterized by a psychological method based on highly developed ritual practices " .

               We recall that when Buddhism reached Tibet and its "Bon" Religion there was an Effort made to incorporate SOME of the Bon into Buddhism's Teachings that a Socio-Philosophical Harmony result .   Obviously Buddhism supplanted the Bon but not without 'transformation(s)' .   

               But I digress ... .

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