Sunday, April 28, 2024

Zen is Insane

                              Some of you are gonna get to "Well then Zen must also be Insane" .   

               How, then, is Sanity to be reconciled with Insanity, Ethos reconciled with Pathos ????    Peace reconciled with War ????????

                Andre Malraux wrote, Man's Fate, a favorite of mine because of one character, "old Gisors" .   I HATED his final "words of advice" to the working masses but that is not the most important motif .   

                You gotta figure that Malraux BELIEVED that "Revolution" ,, constant "Revolution",, was, in fact,, Man's Fate .   

                 I saw this film one time, it was about revolution in Middle Africa .   The Leader of Vicious Killers rabidly SNARLED at an ignorant American,  "THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WAR !!" .

                 "The 10,000" manifestations of Life =  The 10,000 manifestations of Death .

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