Monday, April 29, 2024

Soul Eaters

                              Nationwide campus protests signal an 'Awakening' of the Collective's educated youth, if 'youth', as a term, can be applied to 18-22 year olds .    It's good that they have awakened, bad that they suffer from the ravages of an American Foreign Policy gone the way of the 3 Sluts :::    Miss Appropriate, Miss Trust, Miss Use .    Generations have survived the callous and seemingly innocuous 'Diplomacy' of arming the Israeli's with the stick of state-of-the-art Technology and carrot of a "Two State Solution"  .   Both of these elements have transmogrified into Soul Eaters .    

                 The Students have fallen woefully short of an all encompassing Resolve that not only condemns Israeli near-Genocide of Gazans and West Bankers but seeks to advance the CORRECT Solution, the establishment of a Palestine that has the backing and support of the United Nations and Global Recognition of a self-Sovereign Nation .   

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