Monday, April 8, 2024


                             Ya gotta figure that if there's a 'raper wit' then there MUST-BE an Excalibur Sword Wit, a Broad Sword Wit and most def a Zen Sword Wit --  I'm goin with THAT one .

              Following the sequence above we are certain to encounter Samurai Sword Wit, and naturally Vajra Sword Wit .   Here now MAY be a small necessity to define "Wit" .    To be Honest, it's taken me some Time to get this far ~~~  the Def I want to impose on Wit is far too personal to make it accepted generally --- but here goes anyway :   Wit is a Combat >>>SITUATIONAL<<< Awareness, generated by MENTAL INTENSITY , a Mind 'under threat' from OUTSIDE Sources " .    Forgive an old man, that's the best I can do this morning .


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