Sunday, April 7, 2024

"Halo everybody, halo" --- 70's commercial

                              There are vast iconographic depictions of Saints and Holy Souls who have been adorned with halos and nimbuses which indicate not only Sacred-Ness but the ENLIGHTENED Being .  I prefer the nimbus to the halo because it is recognition of the Field Dynamic of MIND Energy-- the one that results after YEARS AND YEARS of SINGULAR Devotion .   Here it is where Enlightenment HAS been Attained in its most profound and Glorious Spirituality .

               I am suggesting here, that when Sword is activated to sever Thinking, there is an Intensity of Focus that results in first a glow and then Light .   Recall that LASER is Light Amplification [by] Stimulated Emission of Radiation .   {I THINK} We can safely ascribe this Light TO the Sword itself [when imaginative rendition is applied].  


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