Saturday, April 20, 2024

Toward 'Backwardism*'

                                 Can there be = `Nobility in Intent` ?    I don't know, perhaps .

                 You can see It, rite ?   The Flaws in GW  IS {one of} the Flaws in Democracy .   As a Sin, can it be expiated ?    Lincoln's  Effort  to  Expiate  the  Original Sin  manifested  as  the  Civil War .   Clearly that Sin was NOT expiated nor was there to be "Absolution" .   When Medieval Feudalism reached Plymouth, it took only a few years to devolve into Egyptian Slavery, a Mindset that it was far better to enslave one's enemies rather than put them to the Sword .   Here it is were Civilization is FRAUGHT with Human Cruelty --- here it is where it MUST-BE considered that a PRIMARY Characteristic of "Humanity" is its "GENETIC PREDISPOSITION"  >>toward<<<  Instinctual Animality* .   

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