Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Door-ango CHAINED

                              Here's the Solution --->   Magnetism .  

                Jerry Seinfeld did this bit :   "Do you like peanut-butter and jelly ?  Cuz if you DO, we can be BEST Friends."   So I wondered, could THAT be a "Pick-up Line" ?    It got better as I explored the ramifications ........ .   Do you like GRAVITY ?  Do you like ELECTRICITY ??  Do you like Heat and Hot Water ???   

                  I went delirious on myself ............................................................................... .

                 Here's what resulted :  I figured to use a magnet and some small chain and to choke the door knob with the chain and marry it to a broken magnet I had stuck on the file cabinet .  

                  Guess what happened ---------  go ahead --- Guess .......................... .

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