Thursday, April 4, 2024

Why DO 'The Innocent Suffer' ???

                              I have long considered Satan's question , "But if you TESTED Job, what would he do THEN ? " as being DIABOLICAL .   This example of 'Diabolical' is exactly what it is; but it is generatively* MILD when compared to trump's Diabolicism with regard to America's mainstream and mainriver* MASSES .   Satan's Diabolicism effected Job and his family but did NOT 'involve' Job's community  nor the Land in which they dwelled*.    

              You can see it rite ?   Trump's Diabolicism EXCEEDS that of Satan himself .  It's an 'off-the-scale' level of W-T-F .

               Trump continues to withstand the judicial pressure that the Courts SPARINGLY apply .   No persin* in AMERICAN HISTORY has withstood the CONSTITUTIONAL CRUSH of  "No man is above the Law" as has trump ......  such is the true Nature of {Satanic} Diabolicism .



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