Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"Burn Notice"

                              I exited CVS heading to the pick-up when I had a premonition to stop at Pat's Outdoor Power to see if there were any free pallets .  Well "Lo and Behold", not only was there free wood, IT WAS IN HAND SIZE SQUARES !!!!!!   Not a few, HALF A LOAD !!!   Kindling and fuel for at least 2 days Burn !   How fucking TERRIFIC is THAT ?    Was I not BLESSED ????   Indeed YES !!!!!

                Ya gotta figure that the Universe was Affirming my Resolve--- that my Idea to gather as much fertilizer as was possible was a GOOD one .   Recall the "Slash and burn" tactic of Farmers to rid themselves of under and over growth that would steal and/or deny land its natural fecundity .   The ash is fertile with micro-nutrients and the Burn partially sterilizes the soil enough to act as a pre-emergent .  "Win-Win" .


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