Thursday, April 4, 2024

His Will be done

                         According to our Western Civ. professor, Dr. Langer, the answer to "Why do the innocent suffer ?' is an innocuous "Because it is God's Will".   Further, "God's Will CANNOT be known" and even worse, "[it is] because the Mind of the Finite CANNOT know the Mind of the Infinite" ... .  Unsatisfactory at best, at worst, thoroughly deflective .

            It's NOT that there is ANY 'invisibility-of-intent' with regard to Diabolicism either .  Indeed, pundits have LOUDLY broadcast that trump's INTENTIONS have been manifested within the texts and contexts of his rhetoric and bomb=basts* .   In the EXACT 'same way' that "God's Will be done" so it is with   >>>  `trump's Will be done` .

            When trump entered Office I rwote you qidz* that trump, like God, would remake Man and Civilization "in his own image---thus has that 'come to pass' 


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