Sunday, April 7, 2024

"Darkness Darkness, be my pillow "

                              I do NOT know why 'flames' are a part of Manjushri's "Wisdom Sword" .  Even in 'altered states of ConsciousMess*', the best I can envision is rather {caustically} simplistic .    The Sword 'acts' like a [plain-old] >>>  Torch .   It is widely known that to perform field amputations machetes were super-heated to 'cherry-red' so that the cut would then instantly cauterize the limb .   I doubt that severing THOUGHTS would require such extreme cauterization .

              I must ASSUME that Entering the Darkness of one's Inmost Core REQUIRES 'Light in some form or another, but I don't know WHY .   We are now faced with the Question, "What is the NATURE of one's 'Inmost Core' " .    

              From the Youngbloods, "Darkness Darkness, be my pillow" .

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