Sunday, April 21, 2024

To wish upon a Star

                              I think that inwardly, I want to be considered a Rhetorician ,  I mean,  THAT'S  "Will Farrel"  >>  "Classy" .   The thing with Rhetoric is that it always seems so fucking  > "Life or Death" vis-a-vis Cicero and/or Sallust ,,,, not exactly to my liking BUT................ .

                Since Rhetoric is "the ART of Persuasion"  you gotta figure I'm WAAAAY uP for that because at my Inmost Core I want not only to Contribute to Humankind's Civilization but to "...make folks turn toward Buddha's Teaching" .    

                 Unlike "The Art of Zen Sword'sMan-ship" I fear my 'writing art' {I'm a rwitor} is less like Frank Frazetta's Art  and  more like  Jackson Pollack's [ if Jack had a "Paint-by-numbers" panoply].  Oh well .

                  I   WANT    to  believe  that  my   "Connect-The -Dots"  `system`  is tuned to galaxical* Constellations --- the one where Earthly visages are identified as COSMIC Strands .   Wishful thinking??  I'm there on that . 


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