Friday, April 26, 2024

"Gentleman, Start your expletives"

                              How often have each of us heard, "This fucking thing, HAS A MIND OF IT OWN" ! ?

               I'm tellin' ya qydz, there's SOMETHING TO THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               "There's always ONE" --- we've all heard THAT as well .   There was this one saw, a Stihl 0-48 that was MADDENINGLY  Temper-Mental .  I would start or wouldn't  after one or ONE-THOUSAND pulls ----cood never figure-out WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!   IT WAS A DEMON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               In the Olden Days of Yesteryear we would even PRAY to an engine, "PLEASE START"  and when  it  did  we  were  PROFUSE  in  Praise  and  when it didn't we would be intolerantly BITTER , "YOU FUCKING MOTHER-FUCKING COCK-SUCKING SONOFA-BITCHIN' ASSHOLE !!!  Oh yeah THAT and then some .

              "Those were the days."


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