Wednesday, April 24, 2024

"Heea cum da Judge"

                              We're at a point where the "Rule of Law' DOES NOT APPLY TO DONALD TRUMP !

                The word/term "Unprecedented" keeps appearing and re-appearing because there's not a good word or term or even phrase that can fully express the CRIMINAL Condition of  "Is he JUST a man or is he STILL a 'President' .    Clearly,,, the so-called 'Justice SYSTEM' hasn't the Will nor Means to exact "you-and-me" PUNISHMENT upon an X-PRES .   BIG Brains and SUPER-Smarts state the Conundrum with PATHETIC Malfeasance rendering the Trial of an X nothing more than STREET THEATER .   

                Not only was trump the "Commander-In-Chief" he transmogrified into the Neo-Confederate GENERAL .   Should he now be tried by a MILITARY TRIBUNAL ???   Jan. 6 was his attempt to USURP the Power of the Constitution by inciting a REVOLT that overran the Capital as though it were a TARGET of  WAR !!!    

                In my Mind, THAT'S what this THIS is "All About" --->  declaring War on the United States .

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