Thursday, April 4, 2024


                              By claiming that migrants are 'animals' trump has positioned himself directly in front of Genesis and its "and Man shall have dominion over all the animals" [ or something like that ] which then supplies him with nothing less than BIBLICAL  >Authority< .  I've stated elsewhere that not only is trump  >criminally  insane<  he is {somehow}  a  Diabolical  Genius  along  the  lines  of   Hitler, Stalin,, Pol Pot,,, and Others .    

                Last night news anchor and author, Chris Hayes, did a segment wherein he described trump's Effort to not only NEGATE the Presidential Records Act, but INSIST [on] its EXACT OPPOSITE .   Here it  is  where  `Diabolical`  enters  and  where  I have  {no choice  but}  to  designate  such  Strategy [as] >>Diabolicism<<  .   



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