Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Door between Interstitial Spaces

                              So there's this door between interstitial places that has  tortured me as though I am tied to its "Whipping Post" .   For YEARS I've had to endure ETERNAL sufferings because I have been unable to correctly address its seemingly DIABOLICAL presence .    I was stuck on using various blocks and rubber stops, I even used a 3 lb, dumb-bell so APPROPRIATE to its [my] Enigma .   I succeeded at being excruciatingly Frustrated .

              I told my Self "This HAS-TA end".   OBVIOUSLY I was asking the rwong* question(s) .   Not just any fucked-up piece of shit would work, because the door HAD-TA shut,,, and twine, and string and such would NOT be helpful since I'd need an eye-screw to anchor it and besides that I'M FUCKING SOOOOOOOOO LAZY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

               What to do --------what to do ??????????????

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