Saturday, April 20, 2024

Fiefdom = Fiefdumb

                          Do you think GW looked into his mirror and saw a RACIST ?????     Not buyin' it .   

              Professor Glaude wants us to look in the Mirror and see a Racist and then he wants us to wage our own [private] {internal} Civil War upon ourselves .    Still not buyin' it .

              No one wants to consider him/her self a Racist .   From "South Park" =  "Racism is bad, okay?"

              I contend that no one wants to look in the Mirror or even get on a scale .   "The Truth hurts'.

              We overlook shortcomings, flaws and faults because it is NATURAL to do so .   ALL of us have been exposed to >>>   "Love is BLIND" .   Love is Blind for a Reason,  without said Blindness,   Love MAY not flourish .   From the Doobie Brothers =   "Without Love, where would we be now ?" 



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