Thursday, April 4, 2024

"Crumbs off the fat cat's table"

                             I hazard* that within the {ideological} realm of Diabolicism is its 'ability' to 'spell-bind' as evidenced by trump's cult-like Following* .    Among these 'Stricken' , allegiance to and loyalty for trumpism is PROFOUNDLY  Significant, in that, some have DEVOTED their existence to him and his EGO-MANIACAL Trajectory toward Absolutism .    Elsewhere I have characterized them as zombies, mindless corpses with an insatiable NEED to feed upon the Living .   That characterization is now wholly unsatisfactory because even an imbecile can see  his Congress as being 'alive' `enough` to KNOW that he is a DESTROYER .   Still, they are BOUND to him and his insatiable appetite to 'eat' the System until barely a crumb remains .  

                   In the Olden-Days-Gone-Whipping-By, liberals, Marxist-Leninists, and even those of the SDS would mouth "Crumbs off the fat cat's table" to manifest what the 1 to 5% were 'giving' the poor and down-trodden as societal recompense for their UNHOLY Cruelty .   These days these same 'crumbs' are all that remains of LBJ's now pathetic "Great Society" .    We are worse-off now then we were Then ---just look around .

                  What do do ---what to do ???????????



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