Sunday, October 7, 2018

..."but some are more equal than others"...

Allow me to make CERTAIN you kidz get introduced to Giridharadas' Theme =  Elite-ists DO  NOT WANT TO CHANGE THE STATUS QUO, they want its Form and Structure to REMAIN INTACT because IT satisfies their Rationality of Self-Promotion, the one that declares, "If you work hard and play by the rules, you WILL succeed."  They want us to believe in, "You can too" but they are LOATHE to allow us entry into THEIR World of Elitist PRIVILEGE.  Gallogly tells "The Tale of Rich Liberals" who want Educational Equality as long as Black Kidz are NOT in THEIR schools.

I must take claim to something that has become Anathema. 

It is this =  "All men are created equal". 

A greater Statement of Political Atrocity has yet to be perpetrated, yet this is the "Gold Standard" upon which Democracy rests.

Look around kidz - - -   Look around HARD .......

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