Friday, October 26, 2018

Fear Fear

The Battle of D.C. was LOST.  KKK-Neo-Nazism is the NEW Americanism.  Listen Kidz THOSE ASSHOLES WON, trump is POTUS.  The combat concept of "Resistance" is utterly USELESS.  What is required from us is INSURGENCE.  The Battle of 2018 MAYBE the BIGGEST Battle OF ALL AMERICAN TIME. 

If there is NOT a "Great Flood", if there is NOT a Landslide, if the races are won by only a scant few votes, the shit-cans will declare Recounts, or simply declare the Voting as "Null and Void" due to Chinese and Russian "intervention".  Voter Suppression thought the Nation is RAMPANT.  The shit-cans HAVE NO HONOR, nor do they value American Idealism.  THEIR "Idealism" is Plantation and Slavery.
Make no mistake.

We are in a War for Human Political Decency.  This yak shit about "We have nothing to fear bur fear itself", is mindless, senseless, political embroidery.  I'm yelling to all of you FEAR FEAR.  According to the General Who Won, Fear is POWER. 

NEVER forget, trump is the General of Generals.  His Fear reigns as Supreme. 

We MUST use Our Fear to counter His. 

Rock steady ........ steady as She goes....

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