Sunday, October 21, 2018

Psycho Logic

It's like, all I want to know is WHY rich folks don't want to pay their obligated Taxes, and WHY they will pay the SAME AMOUNT IN DUE TAXATION to lawyers and accountants just to (seemingly) ESCAPE their Duty to American Democracy.  WHY do they HATE paying Taxes --- WHY ARE THEY SO FUCKING SELFISH ?   What aspect of their genetics PREVENTS them from being TOTALLY HUMAN, where Being Human registers as being able to Love Compassionately, Generously and Devotionally. 

There is a Psycho-Logic that infuriates me.  It explains EVERYTHING, and what it doesn't, Karma,  DOES. 

In a drunken stupor I once scrawled, The Unknowable is COMPLETELY knowable.  In  stoned-out delirium I quoted, "The Finite [Mind] CANNOT understand the Infinite" --- which means Man's Mind CANNOT understand [or fathom] GOD'S MIND.

I LOATHE that Mystery becomes Mystical.  Here, the only leverage that can be applied is that of Imagination. 

Trump got elected --- Mystery upon Misery.  The Rich Poor and the Squalor Elite elected a man who refused to pay Taxes. 

The Driving Theme in American Democracy  ---  AVOID ALL TAXATION.

And now we enter Jane Mayer's World of Dark Money.

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