Monday, October 22, 2018

King Gorge

I have FEARS.

Yesterday during Sunday Media Discharge, several of the Authentic, arrested development by cautioning that the Election Machine could be hijacked by republican War Lords.  Already, there is Voter Suppression to a degree hitherto UNKNOWN to Modern American History, post-Jim Crow.  Voter Scrolls have been decimated.  I fear that should the elections NOT "go the way of corruption and fraud", the Way of republican Cruelism, then the shit-cans will declare the Entirety "Null and Void".  I fear that THEY will CANCEL the elections, hold them as INVALID due to CHINESE and North Korean Cyber "Interference".   Should there be resulting RIOTS trump will be EAGER to call in the National Guard, as was done in Ferguson to quell and squash Voter Fury.  It is NOT "beyond" trump to declare MARTIAL LAW, thereby suspending the Constitutional RIGHTS of True American Patriots to Gather and Protest. 

No One thought Trump would be King---I mean President.

Never again will I be lulled...... .

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