I have a situational scrutiny that relies upon Zen Influence to excrete the Marrow from Bone. I feel it is my job to secure the Essence of Value, as best I can, in the same way that professors offer pages and passages of a book in their effort to squeeze out only the IMPORTANT aspects of a theme or paradigm. Geeks like me LOVE to read, but I KNOW it is a LUXURY, therefore my Efforts are to keep it Real by offering MY "interpretation" as YOUR foundation. When addressed you can at least offer your understanding of my evaluation --- that, at the least, gives you something, which is SOOOOO much better than SILENCE. I want you Kidz to be "tuned IN" not tuned OUT.
The problem is that there remains SOOOO MUCH MORE shit that NEEDS to be addressed.
Within Giridharadas' Winners Take All are categories of Rich Folks that NEED a darker and RICHER micro-scope-ism along deeply Psychological Textures. Anthropology, Sociology and the sub-system Ethnography don't exactly offer ENOUGH to give us operational success, the success that somehow offers solutions to problems of Human Authenticity, those of Nature and Substance. For me it's ALWAYS the content and manifestation of Human Nature itself. I am quite obsessed even though I can EASILY resort to "Karma is Karma" and leave it at "That". It's bull and yak shit of course --- I CAN'T.
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